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Old Jan 24, 2007, 01:10 AM // 01:10   #1
Lion's Arch Merchant
African War Lord's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006

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Default Derv monk support

Well here's something different to try out if your bored with the standard avatar derv or deep wound earth prayer build.

The build

16 Wind
12 Mysticism
9 Scythe

[skill]Mystic healing[/skill] [skill]Imbue health[/skill] [skill]Wearying strike[/skill][skill]Mystic twister[/skill] [skill]Arcane zeal[/skill] [skill]Vow of piety[/skill] [skill]Watchful intervention[/skill] [skill]Faithful intervention[/skill]

How does it work?
Cast faithful intervention at the start of your fight and approach the enemy. Before engaging in combat, activate arcane zeal, then watchful intervention and vow of piety. Incase you haven't noticed, enchantment stripping would rape this build so really anything beyond RA probably not gonna happen..

Your now maintaining 4 enchants, and ready to spam your mystic healing which will heal your entire party for 89 health every 2 seconds for 1 energy. Keep up all your enchants up as they wear off, Imbue health when an ally is getting spiked or below 50% as it will heal for 200+. Your also ready to help in offense by applying deep wound then mystic twister for a nice spike. Your main goal should be to keep your party alive by spamming mystic healing but your killing ability is still quite decent for only 9 scythe mastery.

It's main strength is people just won't see it coming lol. It's energy management is amazing, you can constantly be casting skills and paired with a decent monk, I'd say it's better than any support a paragon or ritualist could offer.

It's wierd but it does work, and I got a glad point today with the third team I tried it with. In fact as soon as I put in wearying strike instead of dwayna's touch, we started rolling over teams. Teams that rely on degen pressure are a joke to this guy who can heal his whole party from anywhere on the map. Go ahead over-extend warriors I got yer back!

It's not without it's flaws and yes sorry no res sig. I always bring one but I took the monk approach in that if your team dies you have failed!!

I apologize if this has been done before but I haven't seen it and have never run into one of these derv's myself.

Any comments or suggestions are welcome.
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